Friday 14th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

The skills that we’re talking about here today have the largest impact on both your personal and professional life they stick with you for your entire life and will continuously improve the quality of your existence most of them are a bit difficult to master but if you do the rewards are now.

Learning how to learn:

    The first skill sitting at number one is learning how to learn this is the whole Grail of skills once you realize that every type of skill can be learned the world starts to look a lot like a video game like Steve Jobs said everything around you is made by others.

    Humans who are not smarter than you this is one of the most underrated skills anyone could have and it’s a total game Changer people who are self-taught Learners are well aware of how stupidly straightforward it is to learn to do.

    Something from scratch but most people are scared when life puts them in a situation where having to learn is a Necessity Gen Z has troubles with basic technology which is kind of funny, to be honest, the point is though.

    we survived and thrived because we learned new things and how to do them better it’s at the core of our nature and it should be a fundamental skill for everyone.

    The ability to adapt improvise and overcome obstacles:

    Number two is the ability to adapt improvise and overcome obstacles this isn’t just a Bear Grills catchphrase it’s actually what allows you to keep moving forward and surviving the hard times you’re going to face.

    The journey only the ignorant are under the impression they have their life all figured out and it’s going to be all straight roads from now on yeah okay in the words of Mike Tyson everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

    life is not fair it’s complex and your dedication to keeping moving on is what allows you to win hard times are far ahead people will betray your trust things will not always work out in your favor you’ll be put down to the ground if you haven’t already changed your attitude okay seek alternative Roots get creative and overcome what life throws at you if things are getting harder it means you’re leveling up in The Game of Life.

    Clearing your mind you:

    Number three clearing your mind you are not your body you are not the things you own you are not not what people think of you are your mind everything that makes you who you are resides in that cage made of bone between your ears that is who you are that is what makes you every action.

    The idea thought desire for weakness and sorrow begins right there now from our experience most people fall into two categories whether they live in their head entirely creating a bubble around themselves and becoming extremely biased this makes them take everything.

    Personally and become too sensitive to the world around them or they avoid talking to themselves altogether which makes them disconnected to what’s happening within them in a way it’s either too much of a reaction versus no reaction at all the reason why the mind Clarity is so important is because it allows you to see how things are and what they could become.

    The ability to verbalize:

    Number four is the ability to verbalize what you think and feel you would be amazed at how few people can put into words what they believe what they feel and what they think about an issue this is one of the biggest downfalls of relationships one of the partners are unable to tell the other.

    The person what’s wrong and instead they choose to bury that feeling of Sorrow within themselves until it builds up to the inevitable collapse of the relationship and this goes beyond just romantic relationships it’s even between.

    Friendships with co-workers and family members people are so often scared to speak up when they feel differently and that’s how you end up living a mediocre life because the path is no longer dictated by what would be sustainable for the long run and instead it’s written by unsatisfactory compromises if you’re not 100% honest and involved in the process it’ll be easy to let it go in the hopes that something better will come along but none of those parties win and you’re all just wasting time.

    The ability to sell and negotiate everything you do is a sale or a negotiation:

    Number five is the ability to sell and negotiate everything you do is a sale or a negotiation process if you want a girlfriend or boyfriend you need to sell them on the idea of you being the right person for them if you want a job you need to be able to sell your skill set over that of other potential hires even to yourself you have to sell the idea.

    That you can be and do better than you’re doing today selling is not a synonym for lying or anything selling is a rational process in which you break down why your solution will add value to the other party selling is pursuing others to join you toward creating a better outcome for you both this feeds right into the ability to verbalize.

    As we mentioned earlier life is a constant negotiation with others with yourself and even with time itself it’s a negotiation between effort and satisfaction Under the Umbrella of time by doing things that people want right now you’re negotiating a future where you can enjoy an unavailable life.

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