Wednesday 12th February 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

Financial freedom. Well, especially if you are in your teenage or 20s, this article is very important for you. You must be thinking is there any such game plan by which we can follow and be financially free?

Don’t have to think about money. There is such a game plan. If you follow the 5 steps that I am going to tell you in this article, then you can achieve financial freedom. and for that, you have to watch this video till the end and you have to follow what you learn.

Choose One Field:

When you are in your teenage or your 20s, you are very distracted. You get a lot of advice, advice that son, do some course, then take some degree. After that, do this. After that, do this and you will be set.

But just think, what are you doing? Are you becoming a donkey by being confused about a lot of things?

Think about what is the one thing in which you have to become a master.

Choose one thing, choose one field. see, we have been distracted since childhood and our education system is also responsible for that. In childhood, we are taught a lot of subjects. Then slowly we are told to take a stream, take science, take commerce, take arts, and then we go and choose a profession.

After a long time, and even after that, if by mistake it is a wrong profession, you have no interest in it, then the direction that you have is wrong. So now you will have to go around again and a lot of time will be wasted and most people are not able to do this, but if you are in the early stages of your life, then you can understand this.

What is your interest? There is interest in dance. Become a master in dance. Dance so well that you set fire. If you are good at singing, then pay attention to it and your education system never pays attention to these extra-cochlear activities. Public speaking, people don’t talk about it.

You talk, I will go into art, I will make paintings. There is no talk about it in India. Our education system is not designed for that. but can money be earned from all these things? People still

have doubts, but today we have live examples.

People are earning money at today’s rate in every field. There may be a field where people are not earning money, but they are earning money, who is the master of their field. Today you hold one thing, and focus on it, even if it is cooking, you can earn money, but people do not tell you this in your teenage. Follow your one passion, and do it so well that you become the master of that thing. This is the point number one.

The money does not run after money:

The money does not run after money. I feel that these are the people who do not have money or have so much money that they can give such speeches.

Because do not follow the money means do not run after money, then what to run after, run after girls, run after things. You have to run, you have to work, but when we talk about follow the money, understand this. It is important not to bring money in the wrong way, but what does it mean to run after money? You get money only when you give value to people.

You always have to keep one thing in mind. Today I told you that my words will click you here. run after money, build a system, build a system that will earn you money continuously.

I gave you an example; of dance. Now suppose you dance very well in dance, but you do not run after money, then what to run, think how money can come. Will I make my videos and put them on the internet, people will see, what will happen after that? Now I will talk about all these things.

Okay, my marketing will be there, branding will be there, people will know. After that, I can teach my art to online people. So I can give value to people, I can give. Can this be my system? Yes, it can.

So can I get money from it? Yes, it can. So earn it.

Are you good at cooking? People are not earning money by cooking. If you do not pay attention to that thing, then how will money come? You have to pay attention to money. Your focus should be to earn money and give value.

So if you give value, then money is a by-product and if you do not think about money, then you will not be able to build a system. You have to think regularly about how can more money come, because more money can only come when you give more value. So this system will be built only when you will clear these things from today. Now I will move forward because I told you that you have to learn a lot of things.

Start Earning and Build Passive Income:

The third point, see here I have written one thing very clearly. Whatever you do in your life, your every day is very precious. People waste their day playing such video games and talking nonsense to people.

You have to understand that if I am giving my time, then I will give only two things. Either I will give you something to learn. If you are in your teenage or in your twenties, I am telling you especially.

Either I will give something to learn or build something that gives me passive income.

Today, write me this thing. 10 years from today, you will be saying thank you to me from your heart that you told me this thing once and it changed my life. Passive income, even if you do not work, you will get money. You have to build such a system around your one thing, whatever you have chosen, that I should build something that will give me passive income and I will work on it.

Today I have to work because I have to build passive income. Why? Because See, when you are in your teenage, when you come in your twenties, in the early twenties, your family does not force you to go and earn money.

After that, when you become 24-25 years old, then your family follows you. What are you doing sitting at home? Go and find a job. Do some business. We will get your work done. Nothing happens. We will open a chemist’s shop for you.

Why? What are you doing sitting at home? Until the family is not taunting you, understand that before that, put that responsibility. Before that, take responsibility yourself that I should build something that will give me passive income.

Because when you get passive income, then you will be able to understand the real meaning of life.

After getting out of that cycle of money, you will be able to live life. You will be able to do what you like.

and as I said, you note it, you will love it.

So you do not get trapped in the idea that you just have to earn active income, work, and earn money.

You have to build a passive income system and when you keep it in your mind, it will be built.

Marketing and Branding:

The fourth step is highly important. You dance great, you set the stage on fire, but no one

knows you. Then you will not be able to earn a lot of money. Let me give you an example.

Suppose Terence Lewis, you know Terence Lewis. Is Terence Lewis earning money? The answer is yes, because he has done his marketing and branding very well.

In the field of dance, you take the name of someone else. You talk about Remo D’Souza, you talk about

Dharmesh. These are all the people who have done their marketing and branding. Marketing and branding are very important.

In any field, a shop will not run if its marketing and branding is not good. People will not come to a Nike shop if the marketing and branding are not good. People will not come to a golgappa shop if the marketing and branding are not good.

And then you will want to earn a lot of money. Pay attention to your branding and marketing from childhood. This is not taught. It is not taught in school. Teachers do not say that you have to learn marketing and branding, but I am telling you.

Ask yourself how many people know me today. Suppose you say that 200 people know me today.

Ask yourself how 2,000 people can know me. Then how can 20,000 people know me? Then how can 200,000 people know me and so on?

When people start knowing you here, you will get a lot of opportunities to earn money, but the opportunities will come to those people who people know. Opportunity will come to people and people who know people will give them opportunities.

The rest of the people do not earn money. The sooner you understand branding and marketing, this is a

very big field, and doing an MBA does not make you understand marketing. You have to get into the field of marketing and who has to do it. First of all, your brand, your business, whatever you are going to do, you have to make yourself a brand. You have to do marketing of your idea.

Always sits with winner:

 I am giving you the final step here. Look, it is very important to be with such people who are

winners. We human beings learn from osmosis. Now you must have read this osmosis in science.

I will tell you the very simple meaning of osmosis. You must have heard that from high concentration to low concentration, things are transferred through the semi-permeable membrane.

I will tell you in short. One person has one thing, one talent, one skill. This talent will automatically be transferred to the person in which that talent is lacking. doesn’t come.

If a person has talent, he speaks Chinese very well. You start living with him, you will start speaking Chinese. It is so easy. We human beings live with such people who have something good and this is also for negative things.

This person, suppose, drinks a lot, smokes a lot, suppose he gambles, gambles, he gets bad habits.

There is a high concentration of something. It is transferred in low concentration. This is osmosis.

Now this is with you.

If you live with winners, winners do not become winners just like that. Winners have choices, they have actions, they have daily efforts, they have schedules, they have a blueprints. It is set in the mind and I am not talking about those who talk about winning.

You will meet a lot of people who talk, but talking and recognizing the actual winner is on you. People like you follow, people like you want to become, who are actually what you want. I am actually talking about rich people.

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